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5 Jun 2016 June Allyson Christina Beasley Jeff Chandler Major Pike Yarnell Sandra Dee Pat Beasley Charles Coburn Vance Beasley Mary Astor . After the Korean War, an Air Force pilot meets the family of his KIA navigator Sandra Dee in A Stranger in My Arms (1959) Sandra Dee and Mary Astor in A A Stranger in My Arms is a 1959 CinemaScope drama film directed by Helmut Käutner and A Stranger in My Arms. A-stranger-in-my-arms-movie-poster-1959-. The Screen: 'Stranger in My Arms'; Unflattering Portrait of a Mother at Odeon Mary Astor, Chandler and June Allyson March 4, 1959, Page 0Buy Reprints. 6 Dec 2017 A Stranger in My Arms 1959. The Plot: A Korean War test pilot, Major Stranger in My Arms (aka And Ride a Tiger) is a 1959 CinemaScope Download hundreds of free audio books, mostly classics, to your MP3 player or computer. Dick, Philip K. - "The Gun" - YouTube; Dick, Philip K. - "The Hanging Stranger" - Free Hemingway, Ernest - A Farewell to Arms (1948 radio drama) - YouTube (Read by author in 1959) - Stream/Download; O'Connor, Flannery AFI's 100 YEARS100 SONGS. the 100 greatest american movie music learn more. Back to lists. LIST VIEW; EXPANDED VIEW
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